So, with the cheat codes get free Simoleons, edit your Sims’ traits and build anywhere to make your gaming experience more vibrant. What are the storytelling cheats?ġ) Moviemakercheatsenabled true/false which should have the testingcheats enabled, allows the player to give Sims some options to pose.Ģ) hideHeadlineEffects on/off cheats allows to show or hide talk/thought balloons and the plumbob above Sim heads. This cheat code is good enough for screenshots.Ħ)buydebug cheatcode allows you buy anything, that also includes locked objects like Pangu’s Axe (World Adventures).ħ) Moveobjects on/off helps the player to place objects anywhere.Ĩ) AgeuptoNPC on cheatcode ages up a Sim into a non-controllable NPC who lives in your household.ĩ) jokeplease cheatcode provides you with you a random joke. This helps to give the specified amount of money to the household with that last name.Ĥ)resetsim firstname lastname: With this cheatcode, you can fix a Sim which cannot moveĥ) hideheadlineeffects on helps to hide the plumbob and any other speech bubbles. It also allows you to alter the sim’s properties and status or teleport yourself.Ģ) Kaching or rosebud brings the household $1,000 Simoleonsģ) Familyfunds lastname amount is the best money cheat. 1) Testingcheatsenabled true is one of the most important cheat code that enables testing cheats (such as shift-click mailbox).